NOTE: The items below apply to all parents, relatives, friends and spectators.
- Place the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of a personal desire to win.
- Place the emphasis on fun and participation.
- Exhibit gracious acceptance of defeat or victory in order to lead by example for our children.
- Use appropriate language and appropriate tones when interacting with players, league officials, game officials, other parents and spectators, with any disagreements between players, coaches, other parents, game officials, etc., to be discussed DISCREETLY out of earshot and view of players.
- Follow the chain of command regarding comments/disagreements: 1st speak with Head Coach, 2nd speak with the Vice President of Football or Cheer, and Finally take your concern to the board of directors specifically by sending an email to the secretary ([email protected]) to request time to speak at the next board meeting. Your request will be reviewed and if approved, you will be added to the agenda. No remedy is available outside of these procedures. Attempting to circumvent these procedures will not tolerated and will impede your access to bring the matter before the board.
- Treat all players, coaches, game officials, other parents and spectators with dignity and respect. This includes refraining from making any critical comments within earshot of players during practices and/or games.
- Abide by and support the rules of the game as well as the spirit of the rules.
- Agree to be alcohol, drug and TOBACCO free at all team activities as well as in the presence of players at all games and practices in order to provide a safe, healthy atmosphere for sporting activities. (Smoking will be permitted in specified areas of the parking lot behind the Mechanicsburg Club).
- MMFA Coaches and Board Members are responsible for the safety and well-being of all the children within the program. For this reason, you are expected to respect the direction and requests of all coaches and board members at the field during all events, practices, and games. This includes being asked to be quiet, move to a different location, go to your car or to leave the event. Failure to do so impedes the MMFA's ability to maintain order and ensure a safe and quality atmosphere and will not be tolerated.
This Code of Conduct defines the expectations for parents with children in the MMFA. Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct will result in the following action(s):
- Verbal warning given to parent/offender
- One week parent/offender suspension.
- Season suspension for parent/offender